
Iranama Lanka - Astrology and Ashtaka Service


Get a professional Sri Lankan Astrologer to make your Horoscope from scratch and provide you detail readings.

Create & Read Your Horoscopes

Creates your horoscope from scratch using the information you provide us.
Find out about Qualities and Features of spouse, Suitable stream of education, Obstacles of Employment, Health challenges, Marriage Related Problems and Marriage Delaying.
Match Two Horoscopes

Creates the two horoscopes from scratch using the information you provide
Sends you scanned images of your horoscope and the results of the hand written match making (Porondam).
You will be provided with an order reference number once you place the matchmaking order. Using this number, you may check the current status and mailing dates of the report.
Get An Auspicious Time For A Special Event

This service is for you if you are a Sri Lankan living outside Sri Lanka who needs to get an auspicious time calculated for a special event (i.e. Moving to a new house).

Business Name: Iranama Lanka
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