Smart Flora - Gothatuwa New Town


Smart Flora performing in the Event Decoration industry of Sri Lanka with an experienced, hardworking and professional team on it, we could provide our customers an excellent service with a stable quality, competitive price, satisfied delivery time, widely selection and timely new products innovation.
Our decade of experience with a touch of elegance and fantasy, allows us to create unique events: emotional, always appropriate and always beyond our customer’s desires.

Smart Packages:
  • Wedding Packages
  • Homecoming Packages
  • Church Wedding Packages
  •  Throne Wedding Packages
  • Corporate Events
  • Smart Light(Colour Wash)
  • Ashtaka, Magul Bera, Jayamangala Gatha
  • Milk & Champagne Fountain
  • Bridal Bouquet
  • Wedding Cars & Decoration
  • Western Dancing Group
  • Music Band & DJ
For a creative & stylish wedding...

Business Name: Smart Flora

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